QSE Offers BBS Essentials®: New Options for Smaller Businesses

Even a company of 100 or less employees faces safety concerns, but sometimes a professional behavior-based safety process just isn’t in the budget. Now it can be with BBS Essentials, a behavior-based process designed for full impact on employee job behavior and affordability. Developed by Quality Safety Edge specifically for smaller facilities with fewer employees, the process costs less, but achieves the same dramatic reductions in injuries that have made behavior-based safety the process of choice to achieve world-class safety results.

Quality Safety Edge created this new product to meet the increasing demand for behavior-based safety by smaller companies whose passion for creating a safe work environment for their employees is as great as the Fortune 500 companies who have implemented behavior-based safety with remarkable success.

QSE produced three different delivery versions depending on which are best for the client. The three BBS Essentials options are as follows:

• Virtual BBS Essentials—Throughout the process, your company’s Internal Facilitator completes self-paced design using QSE’s secured educational Web site. QSE consultants help your Internal Facilitator create a site-specific BBS process, observation checklists, and a “how-to” guide for every key phase of your BBS process.
• BBS Essentials Facilitator Workshop—This hands-on workshop provides a company’s Internal Facilitator with all the tools and skills needed to design and implement a successful BBS Essentials process.
• Consultant-Led Customized BBS Essentials Process—QSE’s consultant works directly with selected employees to design a site-specific BBS process.

The primary difference between the three versions is determined by the level of coaching and mentoring you require. No matter which option you choose, you will receive the BBS Essentials toolkit which includes all the job aids, templates, and tools you need to custom design a BBS process for your company. You will also receive a number of hours of support from your QSE consultant to help guide you through the design of your BBS Essentials process.  This customized process will be fully documented by your QSE consultant in your company’s BBS Essentials Design Book.

A streamlined approach at an affordable price, all BBS Essentials products include one year of access to a web-based data management service, one year of VBS webinar subscription, and an invitation to the BBS Essentials forum at the Behavioral Safety Now (BSN) conference held yearly in various cities throughout the United States.

If your business is located in an industrial center, several small companies can partner to work with QSE, providing opportunities for economical workshops and implementation resources.

For more information or to register for BBS Essentials®, contact Beth Foate, Ph.D. (334-750-3334) or Angelica Grindle, Ph.D. (561-212-9449).