In a minute, everything can change. When doing a critical task, a step skipped, a moment rushed, or a changing circumstance missed can have life changing consequences. Life critical tasks are those that create high risk exposure to a fatality or catastrophic event (e.g., working at heights or in enclosed spaces). While the goal should always be to reduce the frequency of exposure, life critical tasks do occur. As such, it is imperative that organizations make sure these life critical tasks are conducted safely every single time. What systems does your company have in place to ensure critical tasks are consistently conducted safely?
Most organizations know the types of tasks that have the greatest probability of creating a fatality within their workplace. Quality Safety Edge’s Serious Incident Prevention for Frontline Leadership system ensures that front line supervisors and others carefully review each of these tasks when they occur. Quality Safety Edge teaches your frontline leaders how to monitor these critical tasks and ensure that employees are actively managing risks. The system also ensures that information obtained during leadership observations is tracked, communicated, and used to create action plans. The objective is to reduce exposure to hazardous tasks, as well as to remove obstacles to performing these critical tasks as safely as possible.
Together, the components of the Serious Incident Prevention℠ (SIP℠) for Frontline Leadership system help ensure that the workplace is as safe as possible and that life critical tasks are consistently conducted safely.