The Values-Based Safety Process Reviewed in Chinese Journal

By Ping Cervenka

Based on a review by Dr. G. Mathews of the book, The Values-Based Safety Process by Dr. Terry McSween, a scholar in the field of behavior-based safety, Mr. Jack Shi, has recently written a book review from the viewpoint of a Chinese safety professional.

The Values-Based Safety Process  article is published in one of the most prominent Chinese journals Book Reading, 9th Issue, 2011, with the title “Experiencing the Subtleties of Humanity in American Safety Culture." Mr. Shi describes The Values-Based Safety Process as a complete menu for implementing behavior-based safety. Its conciseness in word choice, its sensitive style of conversation, its compassion to human life and its step-by-step instructions during the implementing process provide a concise and practical guide for implementing behavior-based safety. McSween describes the process as practical as a "tool box" packed with worksheets, checklists, guidelines, and instructions.

Mr. Shi's review compares the usage of similar phrases by the author and the Chinese safety professionals and draws this conclusion: "Although both safety cultures share the same vocabularies, the underlying meanings of these terms have little in common." He lists some examples, such as, rewards, punishment, involvement, training, competition, and slogan. Shi comments that Chinese safety culture considers these phrases as conceptual, while the American counterparts view them as specific actions and fill them with life. When commenting on the behavior-based safety methods used during the safety observation and conversation (SOC) Shi states, "It is as fine-tuned as carving a sculpture contrasted with the revolutionary style of its Chinese counterparts.”

In the end, Mr. Shi calls on his Chinese safety colleagues to pay serious attention to the analysis and implementation of Values-Based Safety®.