Visible Safety Leadership

Strong Leaders are Critical for Sustained Injury and Fatality Prevention at All Organizational Levels

Through what they do and what they choose to focus on, leaders shape the culture that drives performance and influences the systems and processes that create safety outcomes. The result is world-class safety performance that drives operational excellence. Quality Safety Edge’s Visible Safety Leadership solutions develop safety leaders who drive world-class safety performance by:

  • Ensuring a more consistent level of attention to safety
  • Building supervisors’ and managers’ commitment to safety
  • Creating better accountability at each organizational level
  • Ensuring consistent implementation and sustainability of your safety management system

Visible Safety Leadership Workshop

During this workshop, leaders will learn the how to drive world-class safety performance including: 

  • Why employees make decisions that put themselves or others at risk of injury 
  • How to give positive feedback and discuss concerns 
  • What critical behaviors are necessary for true safety leadership
  • How to prompt, monitor, and increase those critical safety leadership behaviors
  • How to cascade safety leadership behaviors at each organizational level
  • How to focus on important safety issues in meetings
  • Develop personal action plans to support safety leadership 

Visible Safety Leadership Executive Coaching

Take your Visible Safety Leadership skills to world class levels with coaching from Quality Safety Edge. Our QSE consultant will meet with your leaders individually or in small groups to:

  • Develop customized safety leadership plans that define the leadership behaviors that are critical to achieving your organization’s safety goals 
  • Build accountability for safety improvement through all levels of the organization 
  • Receive personalized, real-time coaching on your safety leadership skills

Customized Leadership Development Services

Every organization is unique and has different leadership development needs. Quality Safety Edge can help by creating specialty workshops and customized solutions for your leadership development initiatives. These solutions are customized to assist you in meeting specific goals such as:

  • Building engagement with employees 
  • Having positive feedback conversations with employees 
  • Pinpointing and improving key performances 
  • Reducing Turnover 
  • And more…

Managing your BBS Process Training

A BBS process cannot run itself. Every process needs a team to manage it. Quality Safety Edge will train your Safety Committee or BBS Team to manage your BBS process. This customized service will help ensure your BBS process remains successful, robust, and adaptable to changing circumstances. Following a review of your current process and long-term goals, Quality Safety Edge will work with you to design a custom workshop that meets these goals. Content may include teaching your safety committee or BBS team to:

  • Develop and implement safety action plans based on their analysis of the observation reports and graphs from the data management system;
  • Encourage participation and ensure the integrity of the process;
  • Deliver recognition, set goals, and arrange celebrations;
  • Coach participants to improve the quality of their Safety Observation and Conversation;
  • Adapt the process to changing risks including new incidents.

Observation Data Management

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Behavior-Based Safety is more than a checklist! 

Whether you need a solution for managing your data or help ensuring you maximize its use, we can help! 

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  • How do you get your observation data entered into the computer for analysis?
  • How do you turn observation data into information that your safety committee can use to improve safety?
  • Does your safety committee have the information they need to manage your behavior-based safety process? 
  • [/text] [spacer css="height:20px;"][/spacer] [button href="/store/data-management-services" style="button-223" css="margin-left:50%;-webkit-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);-moz-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);-ms-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);margin-right:-50%;display:inline-block;"]LEARN MORE[/button] [/column] [column width_lg="6" width="6" width_sm="12" css_md="padding:1.5em;" css_sm="padding:2em;" css_xs="padding:1em 1em 2em;" css="border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-color:#cccccc;background-color:#ededed;position:relative;padding:1em;"] [text tag="h2" typography="Text {line-height: 25.71428572px;font-size: 18px;}"]Safety Action Planning Workshop[/text] [text tag="ul"]
  • Does your safety committee know what to do with the observation data generated by your BBS process?
  • Does your safety committee know how to turn observation data into safety action plans that remove obstacles to safe performance?
  • Does your safety committee know how to implement and evaluate the success of their safety action plans? 
  • [/text] [spacer css="height:20px;"][/spacer] [button href="/customized-solutions/observation-data-management/safety-action-planning-workshop" style="button-222" css="margin-left:50%;-webkit-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);-moz-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);-ms-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(0);margin-right:-50%;display:inline-block;"]LEARN MORE[/button] [/column] [/columns] [/section] [separator content_type="button" text="OBSERVATION DATA MANAGEMENT BROCHURE" text_tag="span" align="center" content_align="center" href="/images/brochures/data_management_2018.pdf" target="_blank" button_type="bootstrap" image="" css="border-top-width:0px;border-left-width:0px;border-bottom-width:0px;border-right-width:0px;margin-top:10px;padding:10px 0px;" image_css="display:inline-block;" content_css="margin-left:30px;margin-right:30px;" content_typography="Text {color: #777777;}" line_css="width:100%;border-top:1px solid #dddddd;"][/separator] [fluid][html ]


    Special Topics

    Executive Coaching

    Hazard Recognition

    • Do your employees accurately identify hazards during safety training but not attend to them in the workplace?
    • Do your employees focus on the task at hand to the exclusion of imminent hazards?
    • Do your employees regularly ensure that their associates are aware of workplace hazards in real time?
    • Do you have a process of continuous improvement focused on reducing the frequency of your employees’ exposure to workplace hazards?

    Some organizations have strong safety practices but are challenged getting employees to recognize and react to hazards in the workplace. One of the most effective approaches to this problem is to create a hazard recognition process that involves employees in safety observations much like is typically done in a behavior-based safety process, but with a checklist(s) focusing on hazards and feedback conversations focused on improving the employees’ ability to recognize hazards in their workplace.

    During the observation, conversations occur on both behaviors that help control the risks in the presence of the hazard and recognition of hazards in the workplace. Information from these observations can be used by leadership to develop action plans that reduce frequency with which employees are exposed to significant risks of injury and the removal of any obstacles to employee’s controlling risk. The end results? A continuously improving system that engages employees in increasing hazard recognition and mitigation.

    BBS Reboot

    Behavior-Based Safety processes are sophisticated initiatives with numerous key elements that include voluntary observations, observation checklists, one or more steering committees, observation data analysis, individual and group recognition for observers, safety action plans for improvement of safe behavior, and so forth. It is possible that, over time, one or more of these elements may drift away from their original design. This can lead to reduced participation, fewer observations, and reduced impact of your BBS process.  

    Has your BBS process drifted over time? Is it time to revamp and reinvigorate your BBS process? If so, we can help. Quality Safety Edge’s BBS Reboot includes a health check of the current state of your process which identifies opportunities for improvement. We then work with you to develop a plan that targets your specific improvement needs.

    Safety Observation and Conversation Train-the-Trainer

    Knowing how to give effective feedback on safety performance is not a natural skill for most people. As such, when implementing a BBS process, it is critical that all observers receive high quality training. Quality Safety Edge’s Safety Observation and Conversation (SOC) Workshop includes all the information needed for your observers to be successful. Through the Train-the-Trainer program, your internal trainers will learn how to conduct a high quality SOC workshop. The SOC Train-the-Trainer program includes all workshop materials and licensing. Trainers will become skilled in delivering the workshop materials and receive training and extensive practice on the concepts behind a BBS process, workshop management and group facilitation.

    Serious Incident Prevention℠

    Serious incidents and fatalities can be prevented, and we can help!

    • Have you experienced a serious injury or fatality in your organization?
    • Do you have close calls that could have resulted in much more significant injury or damage?
    • Are you confident that your safety systems are functioning effectively?
    • Are you actively identifying where your hazards are occurring and working to control the risk?
    • Are your supervisors reviewing life-critical tasks as they occur?

    Serious Incident Prevention℠ for Senior Leadership

    Serious Incident Prevention℠ for Front-line Leadership

    Behavior-Based Safety

    Empowered Employees • Cutting Edge Safety Culture • Sustainable Change

    • Do you want to get your employees meaningfully engaged in safety improvement?
    • Do employees sometime take short cuts when no one is watching?
    • Do employees talk to one another in a way that consistently encourages safety?

    The last century has brought amazing breakthroughs in how organizations manage safety and reduce incidents. However, despite more training programs, signs, job-aids, procedures, and policies, people are still getting hurt. When we analyze these incidents, it is often clear that someone could have done something to prevent or lessen the severity of the incident. This is our opportunity! Organizations can significantly reduce their incidents by implementing systems designed to engage employees, increase the consistency of safe practices, and pro-actively remove barriers to safety. This is Behavior-Based Safety!

    Behavior-based safety is a method to actively engage employees in promoting safety improvement in the workplace. It involves identifying practices critical to reducing injuries. These practices are then compiled into a checklist(s) that employees use to conduct peer observations and provide positive feedback to increase the consistency of safe habits in the organization. Employee teams analyze information from the observations to develop action plans that remove obstacles to safe practices and promote continuous improvement in safety. The result? A world-class safety culture where engaged and empowered employees take responsibility for their own and others safety through conversation, positive feedback, and continuous improvement. Learn more about Behavior Based Safety here.

    Quality Safety Edge is the recognized leader in Behavior-Based Safety

    With thousands of implementations in 27 countries over the past 30 years, Quality Safety Edge is the recognized leader in developing customized and sustainable solutions to engage employees, align behaviors at all organizational levels, and create world-class safety cultures. Whether you need help creating a new customized BBS process, want assistance in a component of your process, or want to enhance your existing process, Quality Safety Edge is here to help with customized solutions designed to meet your unique goals and needs.

    Implement a New Behavior-Based Safety Process

    Get Help with Components of Your Process

    Enhance Your Existing BBS Process

    Behavioral Quality Improvement™

    bqi fadeAre You Managing the People Side of Quality?

    Although many quality-related initiatives such as Six Sigma, Lean, and Operational Excellence can add huge value to organizations, many have failed to achieve their promised outcomes. Leaders and quality professionals often discover that the “people side” of quality is the most important – and the hardest to change. They want to:

    • Create engagement. They want more line-organization ownership of quality and a “want-to” quality culture. They want the involvement of front-line employees, all levels of leadership, and all support and technical groups.   
    • Sustain the effort. They want to maintain process improvements. They find that gains often fade after the initial excitement passes. They find themselves re-training, re-emphasizing, and re-invigorating.
    • Take it to the next level. They want to get closer to perfection. They want stronger quality habits and more process adherence. They want to engrain new quality behaviors deeply into the culture.

    The missing ingredient is the systematic management of critical-to-quality behavior. Most quality initiatives focus on improving the process but fail to strengthen the specific behaviors that people need to achieve and sustain the gains.

    Behavioral Quality Improvement™ focuses on the “people side” of quality.

    • Are your employees actively engaged in your quality improvement process?
    • Is your quality initiative functioning and sustaining as planned?
    • Are you continuing to see significant improvements from your quality process?

    If not, we can help! Behavioral Quality Improvement™ is a systematic process that drives engagement and collaboration in quality improvement. The process engages supervisors and frontline employees in the identification, measurement, and feedback of critical-to-quality job behaviors. Continuous tracking of the behaviors and performance feedback to supervisors and frontline employees increases the flow of information and systematic management of critical-to-quality performance behaviors.


    Behavior-based safety is not simply having a checklist and observing behavior. To have a system that is effective over the long term and that can continuously improve and adapt to changing organizational needs, your organization needs a comprehensive solution. Values-Based Safety® incorporates knowledge gained from decades of experience into that comprehensive solution.

    Values-Based Safety® creates a partnership between employees and management that encourages all levels of employees to conduct safety observations and have meaningful conversations about safety. Safety Observation Conversations raise awareness of safety for both the observer and the person observed. The result is a safety culture where everyone is actively engaged in creating a safe workplace. Furthermore, information obtained during observations helps identify processes, procedures, and environmental factors that get in the way of people being able to do their job safely. Your VBS® Steering Committee can use this information to remove barriers to safe behavior before anyone gets hurt!

    Values-Based Safety® will:

    • enhance the meaningful involvement of all employees and leaders in important safety activities;
    • improve the ability of leaders to manage employee safety effectively and in alignment with corporate values;
    • build on existing safety improvement initiatives and integrate with existing processes;
    • establish a formal safety observation and feedback process involving all employees and leaders;
    • create a positive work environment that builds pride in safety process and accomplishment.
    • Regular follow-up and education during the first year helps keep your process on track, enhances skills of leadership and steering committee members, and protects your investment in Values-Based Safety®. Sustaining your process with annual health assessments allows your process to continue to thrive over the long term.

    One size does not fit all!

    Every organization is unique with different risks, budgets, structures, and employees. Quality Safety Edge will work with you to determine the options that best fit your unique organizational needs

    1. Values-Based Safety® Turnkey Implementation: For clients seeking to maximize the probability of success, Quality Safety Edge provides onsite support throughout the planning and implementation of the Values-Based Safety® process. We become members of your Design Team and share responsibility and accountability for installing the new Values-Based Safety® system. The level of involvement and strategies vary for different organizations.
    2. Values-Based Safety® Internal Consultant: Quality Safety Edge also works with clients to identify and develop internal consultants to support the design and implementation of Values-Based Safety® across multiple locations. After completing Quality Safety Edge’s certification process, internal consultants then lead future Design Team workshops, facilitate the Design Team planning meetings, and lead Observer Training workshops.
    3. Values-Based Safety® Train-the-Trainer: Large organizations can often reduce the cost of implementation by conducting Observer Training themselves. Quality Safety Edge trains Design Team members or others within the organization to lead the Observer Training workshops. Learn more here.
    4. BBS Essentials® for small companies. BBS Essentials® is a streamlined BBS design process for small companies which can either be led by Quality Safety Edge consultants in an expedited design or as a “how to” training which provides your internal facilitator with the information and tools they need to implement a Behavior-Based Safety process at an affordable price. Learn more about BBS Essentials®.

    BBS Essentials®

    A “How to” Guide for Small Companies to Implement Behavior-Based Safety

    BBS Essentials® is a “how to” process that provides small companies with all the training and tools they need to implement a Behavior-Based Safety process at an affordable price. BBS Essential’s 3½ day internal facilitator workshop will provide your company’s Internal Facilitator with one-on-one coaching and all the tools and skills they need to customize and implement a successful BBS Essentials® process specifically for your business and its unique safety culture. This workshop includes:

    1. Welcome to BBS Essentials® – Overview of the process
    2. Preparation for BBS Essentials® – Preparing for the design and implementation of BBS Essentials®
    3. Assessment – Conducting a brief safety assessment of your organization
    4. Checklist – Developing a custom BBS observation checklist
    5. Observation Process and Procedure – Creating the unique process and procedures for your organization
    6. Recognition and Celebration – Designing plans to acknowledge participation and celebrate accomplishments
    7. Communication – Creating tools to introduce the process and keep leadership and staff informed
    8. Observation and Conversation Skills – Training others about the process and how to coach effective Observation and Conversation skills
    9. Leadership – Engaging leadership by identifying the specific support and involvement behaviors that will accelerate and sustain the process
    10. Safety Team – Preparing your safety team to successfully manage the process
    11. Maintenance – Keeping BBS Essentials® fresh over the long term

    Because Quality Safety Edge values your company’s success, you will not only receive all the training and tools you need to design and implement the process but will also receive additional support critical to the successful implementation of the BBS Essentials® Behavior-Based Safety including:

    • Pre-workshop assistance to ensure your Internal Facilitator comes to the workshop ready to start planning
    • All the materials your organization needs to design and implement BBS Essentials®
    • A BBS Essentials® Guide detailing the final process for your organization
    • Eight hours of one-on-one telephone coaching during the design and implementation of the process
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